Quercus dumosa是什么意思 Quercus dumosa的读音、翻译、用法

Quercus dumosa是什么意思 Quercus dumosa的读音、翻译、用法

'Quercus dumosa'是英语中的植物学名称,翻译成中文是“灌木地栎”。它是一种生长在美国加利福尼亚州和墨西哥的常绿小乔木,高度通常不超过3米,枝条密集,叶子小而针形。这种植物生长在炎热干旱的环境中,是当地特有的一种物种。

以下是9个含有“Quercus dumosa”的例句:

1. The Quercus dumosa is a common sight on the hillsides of southern California.(灌木地栎是南加利福尼亚山坡上常见的景象。)

2. The leaves of Quercus dumosa are small and needle-like, which helps the tree conserve water.(灌木地栎的叶子小而针形,有助于树木节约水分。)

3. The Quercus dumosa is an important food source for many animals in its habitat.(灌木地栎是其生活环境中许多动物的重要食物来源。)

4. The Quercus dumosa can survive in extremely dry conditions by adapting to low water levels.(灌木地栎可以通过适应低水平来在极度干燥的条件下生存。)

5. The Quercus dumosa is a slow-growing tree and can take many years to reach maturity.(灌木地栎树生长缓慢,可能需要很多年才能成熟。)

6. The bark of Quercus dumosa is deeply furrowed and can help protect the tree from wildfire.(灌木地栎的树皮深深地龟裂,有助于保护树木免受野火的伤害。)

7. Quercus dumosa is a popular plant for landscaping in arid regions because of its ability to survive with little water.(灌木地栎因其在干旱地区生存的能力而成为干旱地区园林景观设计中常用的植物。)

8. The Quercus dumosa is an important component of the chaparral biome, providing habitat and food for many animals.(灌木地栎是高灌丛生物群系的重要组成部分,为许多动物提供栖息地和食物。)

9. The wood of Quercus dumosa is used for fuel and charcoal production in some parts of its range.(灌木地栎的木材在其分布范围的某些地区被用作燃料和木炭生产。)

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