以下是9个包含' ex'的例句:
1. My ex-boyfriend and I are still friends.(我和前男友仍是朋友。)
2. She sold her ex-husband's car.(她卖了她前夫的车。)
3. The ex-president gave a speech at the conference.(前总统在会议上发表了讲话。)
4. His ex-girlfriend is now dating someone else.(他的前女友现在正在和别人约会。)
5. We need to exclude certain ingredients from the recipe.(我们需要从食谱中排除某些成分。)
6. The company exceeded its quarterly sales target.(公司超过了季度销售目标。)
7. The exotic flowers in the garden attracted many visitors.(花园里异国情调的花吸引了许多游客。)
8. The book was written by an ex-policeman.(这本书是由一位前警察写的。)
9. He climbed over the fence and stood exultantly on the other side.(他爬过篱笆,站在另一侧高兴得大喊大叫。)