1. 'inanition'是英国的词语,意为饥饿、虚弱、衰竭。
2. 该词常用于医学领域,指由于营养不良、过度用药等原因导致身体虚弱、疲乏、萎靡不振的症状。
3. 例句:
- She was in a state of inanition after three days without food.(三天不吃东西后,她身体十分虚弱。)
- The patient's inanition was caused by chronic malnutrition.(患者的虚弱是由于慢性营养不良引起的。)
- The marathon runner collapsed from inanition at the finish line.(马拉松选手在终点线倒下,因为身体衰竭。)
- The soldier suffered from inanition after weeks of intense training.(士兵在经过数周的激烈训练后,身体非常虚弱。)
- The inanition of the plant was caused by lack of water.(植物的萎弱是由于缺水引起的。)
- The musician's inanition was due to overwork and poor diet.(音乐家的虚弱是由于过度劳累和不良饮食引起的。)
- The traveler suffered from inanition during his long journey on foot.(旅行者在长途徒步旅行中,身体变得非常虚弱。)
- The animal's inanition was caused by a lack of food and water.(动物的虚弱是由于缺乏食物和水引起的。)
- The patient's inanition improved after receiving proper nutrition and care.(患者在接受适当的营养和护理后,虚弱症状有所改善。)