wagon是什么意思 wagon的读音、翻译、用法

wagon是什么意思 wagon的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'wagon'这个词语源于荷兰语,意为“四轮载货车”。在英语、法语、意大利语和西班牙语中,它也被用作“车厢”的意思。

2. 翻译:货车,运货车,四轮车

3. 用法:这个词语通常用于指运输物品的四轮车,也可以表示火车的车厢。

4. 例句:

- The wagon was loaded with hay. (这辆货车装满了干草。)

- The pioneer family traveled west in a covered wagon. (先驱家庭乘坐有罩的四轮车向西旅行。)

- The train consisted of several passenger wagons and a dining car. (火车包括几节客车和一节餐车。)

- They hitched the wagon to the horse and set off on the road. (他们把马车拴在马上,上路了。)

- The wagon rumbled over the dirt road, carrying a load of logs. (货车轧轧作响地行驶在土路上,载着一堆原木。)

- The old wagon was pulled by a team of oxen. (老旧的货车由一队牛拉着。)

- The wagon train traveled across the plains to settle in the west. (马车队穿越平原,前往西部安家落户。)

- The farmer used the wagon to transport his crops to market. (农民用货车把他的庄稼运到市场上去。)

- The wagon master led the caravan through the dangerous pass. (马车队队长带领队伍通过险恶的山口。)

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