fabrication是什么意思 fabrication的读音、翻译、用法

fabrication是什么意思 fabrication的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'fabrication'是英语单词,可以翻译为"制造、制造过程、虚构"等。常见用法包括:

(1) 假造证据,虚构事实。(fabricate evidence, fabricate the facts)

(2) 制造产品,制造零部件。(fabricate products, fabricate components)

(3) 制作模型,制作原型。(fabricate models, fabricate prototypes)


1. The allegations of vote rigging were a complete fabrication. (关于选票舞弊的指控是完全捏造的。)

2. The company specializes in the fabrication of steel products. (该公司专门从事钢材制品的制造。)

3. The fabrication of the new engine parts is almost complete. (新的发动机零件制造工作几乎完成。)

4. She fabricated the story about the lost cat. (她编造了一个关于丢失猫的故事。)

5. The witness admitted to fabricating his testimony. (证人承认他伪造了证词。)

6. The team used 3D printing technology for the fabrication of the experimental model. (团队利用3D打印技术制造实验模型。)

7. The fabrication of the spacecraft's heat shield was a major engineering challenge. (航天器热剂盾的制造是一个重大的工程挑战。)

8. The company was found guilty of fabrication and misrepresentation of their financial statements. (该公司因伪造和歪曲财务报表罪被判有罪。)

9. The fabrication of the new bridge required the use of advanced construction techniques. (新桥的制造需要使用先进的建造技术。)

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