Hypera是什么意思 Hypera的读音、翻译、用法

Hypera是什么意思 Hypera的读音、翻译、用法


常见翻译:舟形象甲,Hypera postica(学名)



1. Hypera postica is a small beetle that feeds predominantly on alfalfa.(舟形象甲是一种以紫花苜蓿为食的小甲虫。)

2. Larvae of Hypera postica cause direct damage to alfalfa by feeding on foliage and stems. (舟形象甲的幼虫通过啃食叶片和茎杆直接损害紫花苜蓿。)

3. The life cycle of Hypera postica take about 25 days in summer.(舟形象甲的寿命在夏季大约为25天。)

4. The infested alfalfa fields need to be treated to control the population of Hypera postica.(受到舟形象甲侵袭的紫花苜蓿田需要进行处理,以控制舟形象甲的数量。)

5. Hypera postica is an important pest of alfalfa in many parts of the world.(舟形象甲是全球许多地区紫花苜蓿的重要害虫。)

6. Insecticides are sometimes used to control the population of Hypera postica.(有时会使用杀虫剂来控制舟形象甲的数量。)

7. The damage caused by Hypera postica can reduce the yield and quality of alfalfa.(舟形象甲造成的损害会降低紫花苜蓿的产量和质量。)

8. The larvae of Hypera postica feed within the stems and the petioles of alfalfa plants.(舟形象甲的幼虫在紫花苜蓿植株的茎和叶柄内进食。)

9. The economic impact of Hypera postica on alfalfa production can be significant in some regions.(舟形象甲对紫花苜蓿生产的经济影响在某些地区可能很大。)

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