CLD是什么意思 CLD的读音、翻译、用法

CLD是什么意思 CLD的读音、翻译、用法

CLD是美国的词语,全称为Chronic Lung Disease,中文翻译为慢性肺病。CLD常常用于形容婴儿期早产儿或者有呼吸困难的儿童所患的疾病。这种疾病主要影响肺部的功能,会导致呼吸系统的疾病。


1. He was diagnosed with CLD at the age of two. (他在两岁时被诊断出患有慢性肺病。)

2. Premature babies are at higher risk of developing CLD. (早产婴儿更容易患有慢性肺病。)

3. She has been suffering from CLD for several years. (她已经患有慢性肺病多年了。)

4. The doctor prescribed medication to reduce the symptoms of CLD. (医生开了药方来减轻慢性肺病的症状。)

5. CLD can lead to respiratory failure in severe cases. (慢性肺病在严重的情况下可以导致呼吸系统衰竭。)

6. The hospital has a dedicated ward for patients with CLD. (医院有专门的病房来治疗患有慢性肺病的患者。)

7. There is no known cure for CLD at the moment. (目前还没有治愈慢性肺病的方法。)

8. Smoking is a major risk factor for developing CLD. (吸烟是患上慢性肺病的主要危险因素。)

9. Exercise can help improve lung function in individuals with CLD. (运动可以帮助患有慢性肺病的个体改善肺功能。)

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