Orthopoxvirus是什么意思 Orthopoxvirus的读音、翻译、用法

Orthopoxvirus是什么意思 Orthopoxvirus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Orthopoxvirus can cause severe diseases in both humans and animals.(正痘病毒可以在人类和动物中引起严重的疾病。)

2. The symptoms of orthopoxvirus infection vary depending on the specific virus.(正痘病毒感染的症状因具体病毒而异。)

3. There are different types of orthopoxvirus, such as smallpox and monkeypox.(正痘病毒有不同类型,如天花和猴痘。)

4. The outbreak of orthopoxvirus in this region has caused a lot of concern among the public.(该地区正痘病毒的爆发引起了公众的极大关注。)

5. Orthopoxvirus can be transmitted through direct contact with infected animals or materials.(正痘病毒可以通过与感染的动物或物质的直接接触传播。)

6. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent orthopoxvirus infection.(接种疫苗是预防正痘病毒感染的最有效方法。)

7. Researchers are working on developing new treatments for orthopoxvirus infections.(研究人员正在致力于开发治疗正痘病毒感染的新方法。)

8. The orthopoxvirus genome has been extensively studied to better understand its biology.(正痘病毒基因组已经被广泛研究,以更好地了解其生物学。)

9. Due to the potential threat of orthopoxvirus, many countries have stockpiled smallpox vaccine for emergency use.(由于正痘病毒的潜在威胁,许多国家已储备天花疫苗以备紧急使用。)

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