consonance是什么意思 consonance的读音、翻译、用法

consonance是什么意思 consonance的读音、翻译、用法




1. The consonance of the words in the poem added to its beauty.(这首诗歌中的单词和谐统一,使其更加美丽。)

2. The singer used consonance to create a pleasing melody.(这名歌手运用了和谐效果,营造出一个悦耳的旋律。)

3. The piece of music was praised for its extraordinary consonance.(这首乐曲因其超凡的和谐效果而受到赞扬。)

4. The novel's consonance of themes made it a coherent work.(这部小说的主题和谐统一,使其成为一部连贯的作品。)

5. The poet's use of consonance helped to convey his message effectively.(这位诗人使用和谐效果,有助于有效地传达他的信息。)

6. The choir's consonance made their singing sound flawless.(合唱团的和谐效果使他们的歌声听起来无瑕疵。)

7. The consonance in the music underscored its somber mood.(音乐中的和谐效果强调了它沉闷的气氛。)

8. The speaker's careful use of consonance added emphasis to his words.(演讲者精心运用和谐效果,使他的话语更加强调。)

9. The author's skillful employment of consonance helped to create an unforgettable phrase.(作者巧妙地使用和谐效果,创造了一个难以忘记的短语。)

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