'DiRBE' 不属于任何国家语言,它实际上是一个缩写词,表示“Differential Radiometer in the Band of Emissions”。它是一个微波辐射计,用于测量地球大气层中的微波辐射强度。
以下是9个含有 DiRBE 的例句,使用英语编写。
1. The DiRBE instrument was used to measure the background radiation emitted by the earth's atmosphere.
(DiRBE 仪器被用来测量地球大气层发射的背景辐射。)
2. The DiRBE mission has been instrumental in improving our understanding of the earth's radiative budget.
(DiRBE 任务对于提高我们对地球辐射平衡的理解起了重要作用。)
3. The DiRBE instrument was carried aboard NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer satellite.
(DiRBE 仪器搭载了美国宇航局的宇宙背景探测器卫星。)
4. The DiRBE instrument was designed to measure small variations in the earth's microwave radiation field.
(DiRBE 仪器设计用于测量地球微波辐射场中的小变化。)
5. The data collected by the DiRBE instrument has been used to study atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles.
(DiRBE 仪器采集的数据被用于研究大气温湿度剖面。)
6. The DiRBE instrument was calibrated to provide accurate measurements of the earth's microwave radiation flux.
(DiRBE 仪器经过校准,提供了准确的地球微波辐射通量测量结果。)
7. The DiRBE mission was part of NASA's effort to study the earth's radiation budget and its impact on climate.
(DiRBE 任务是美国宇航局研究地球辐射平衡及其对气候影响的努力的一部分。)
8. The DiRBE instrument was sensitive enough to detect small changes in the earth's radiation budget caused by variations in cloud cover.
(DiRBE 仪器足够敏感,能够探测由云覆盖变化引起的地球辐射平衡的小变化。)
9. The DiRBE instrument was able to measure the microwave radiation emitted by the earth at a variety of frequencies.
(DiRBE 仪器能够测量地球发射的微波辐射在多种频率下的强度。)