'Convolvulus arvensis'是拉丁语,中文翻译为田牵牛。田牵牛是扶芳科田牵牛属的一种缠绕藤本植物,具有蓝色或白色的漏斗形花朵,生长在田野、路边、荒地、河岸等地方,是一种常见的杂草。
1. Convolvulus arvensis is a common weed in many parts of the world.(田牵牛是世界许多地方常见的杂草。)
2. The roots of Convolvulus arvensis have been used in traditional medicine.(田牵牛的根被用作传统药物。)
3. Convolvulus arvensis can be a nuisance in agricultural fields.(田牵牛可能会成为农田里的麻烦。)
4. The flowers of Convolvulus arvensis attract bees and other pollinators.(田牵牛的花吸引蜜蜂和其他传粉者。)
5. Convolvulus arvensis is also known as field bindweed.(田牵牛也被称为野葛。)
6. The seeds of Convolvulus arvensis can remain viable in soil for many years.(田牵牛的种子可以在土壤中保持多年的活力。)
7. Convolvulus arvensis can quickly cover an area and compete with other plants.(田牵牛可以快速覆盖一个区域并与其他植物竞争。)
8. Farmers often struggle to control the growth of Convolvulus arvensis.(农民经常难以控制田牵牛的生长。)
9. Convolvulus arvensis is considered an invasive species in some regions.(田牵牛在某些地区被视为入侵物种。)