'Murray Gell-Mann'这个词语来源于英语,在中文中常被翻译为“默里·盖尔曼”,是美国一位杰出的物理学家和数学家,曾获得诺贝尔物理学奖。
以下为9个含有'Murray Gell-Mann'的例句:
1. Murray Gell-Mann是20世纪最伟大的理论物理学家之一。
(英语:Murray Gell-Mann was one of the greatest theoretical physicists of the 20th century.)
2. 默里·盖尔曼发现了夸克。
(中文:Murray Gell-Mann discovered quarks.)
3. Murray Gell-Mann曾与理查德·费曼共同合作,研究强子物理学。
(英语:Murray Gell-Mann worked together with Richard Feynman on the study of hadron physics.)
4. 默里·盖尔曼发表的相关论文被广泛引用,对现代物理学研究有巨大影响。
(中文:The papers published by Murray Gell-Mann have been widely cited and have had a huge impact on modern physics research.)
5. Murray Gell-Mann曾在加州理工学院担任教授。
(英语:Murray Gell-Mann was a professor at the California Institute of Technology.)
6. 默里·盖尔曼曾获得过许多奖项,其中包括xx年的诺贝尔物理学奖。
(中文:Murray Gell-Mann has won many awards, including the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979.)
7. Murray Gell-Mann是“量子色动力学”理论的主要创始人之一。
(英语:Murray Gell-Mann was one of the main founders of the theory of quantum chromodynamics.)
8. 默里·盖尔曼提出了“奇异性”这个重要概念,使得人们能够更好地理解粒子物理学。
(中文:Murray Gell-Mann proposed the important concept of "strangeness", which enabled people to better understand particle physics.)
9. Murray Gell-Mann的贡献不仅限于物理学领域,还包括复杂系统、宏观经济学等其它领域。
(英语:Murray Gell-Mann's contributions are not limited to the field of physics, but also include other fields such as complex systems and macroeconomics.)