1. 最好的寿司米需要一点儿味淋来调味。
(The best sushi rice needs a little bit of mirin for seasoning.)
2. 这道菜需要味淋来烹饪。
(This dish requires mirin for cooking.)
3. 昨天我加了一点点味淋调味,味道非常好。
(Yesterday I added a little bit of mirin for seasoning and it tasted really good.)
4. 味淋调味可以去掉鱼的腥味。
(Mirin seasoning can remove the fishy smell from fish.)
5. 味淋可以用来给烤肉提味。
(Mirin can be used to flavor grilled meat.)
6. 味淋可以增添高汤的味道。
(Mirin can enhance the flavor of soup stock.)
7. 味淋是日本烹饪中必不可少的调味品。
(Mirin is an essential seasoning in Japanese cuisine.)
8. 这道菜需要一点儿味淋来增添甜味。
(This dish needs a little bit of mirin to add sweetness.)
9. 熟练的厨师知道如何用味淋来调制最好的料理。
(Skilled chefs know how to use mirin to make the best dishes.)