1. The factory was fined for releasing dioxine into the air. (这家工厂因向空气中排放二噁英而被处以罚款。)
2. Dioxine is a highly toxic substance that can cause serious health problems. (二噁英是一种高度毒性的物质,可以引起严重的健康问题。)
3. The environmental agency is working to limit the amount of dioxine in the water supply. (环保机构正在努力限制水源中的二噁英含量。)
4. The laboratory tests showed that the soil near the chemical plant contained high levels of dioxine. (实验室测试显示化工厂附近的土壤含有高水平的二噁英。)
5. It is important to properly dispose of materials that contain dioxine to prevent environmental contamination. (妥善处理含有二噁英的物质是防止环境污染的重要措施。)
6. The study found that exposure to dioxine increased the risk of cancer. (研究发现接触二噁英会增加患癌症的风险。)
7. The government has implemented regulations to reduce the amount of dioxine emitted by industrial facilities. (政府已经实施法规,以减少工业设施排放的二噁英量。)
8. The dioxine contamination of the river was caused by the illegal dumping of hazardous waste. (河流中的二噁英污染是由危险废物的非法倾倒引起的。)
9. The health department issued a warning after high levels of dioxine were detected in a local fish population. (当地的鱼类中检测到高水平的二噁英后,卫生部门发出了警告。)