'Deyang'是中国四川省的一个地级市。这个词语的拼音为“dé yáng”。
1. 我的家乡在四川省德阳市。(My hometown is in Deyang city, Sichuan province.)
2. 来德阳旅游的游客越来越多了。(More and more tourists are coming to Deyang for travel.)
3. 德阳是一个美丽而又宜居的城市。(Deyang is a beautiful and livable city.)
4. 德阳有很多著名的景点和名胜古迹。(Deyang has many famous scenic spots and historical sites.)
5. 德阳的工业发展非常迅速。(The industrial development in Deyang is very rapid.)
6. 德阳的特产有燃面和竹制品等。(The specialties of Deyang include spicy noodles and bamboo products.)
7. 德阳的交通十分便利,可以方便地到达周边城市。(The transportation in Deyang is very convenient, and it is easy to reach surrounding cities.)
8. 去德阳旅游,一定不要错过当地的美食。(When traveling to Deyang, don't miss the local cuisine.)
9. 德阳的人民热情好客,让人感到很温暖。(The people of Deyang are hospitable and warm, which makes people feel good.)