testimonial是什么意思 testimonial的读音、翻译、用法

testimonial是什么意思 testimonial的读音、翻译、用法



1. I saw many great testimonials for this restaurant, so I decided to give it a try. (我看到了很多关于这家餐厅的好评,所以决定去试一下。)

2. The company's website is full of glowing testimonials from satisfied customers. (该公司的网站上充满了满意客户的赞誉之词。)

3. She wrote a glowing testimonial for her favorite author's new book. (她为自己最喜欢的作家的新书写了一篇赞誉之词。)

4. The athlete received many testimonials from his fans after winning the championship. (这位运动员在赢得冠军后收到了许多粉丝的赞誉之词。)

5. Several employees wrote testimonials about their positive experiences working for the company. (若干名员工写了关于在该公司工作的积极体验的证言。)

6. The organization collected testimonials from people who had benefited from their services. (该组织收集了那些受益于他们的服务的人们的推荐书。)

7. The product received glowing testimonials from industry experts. (该产品收到了行业专家的赞誉之词。)

8. She shared a testimonial about how a particular brand of skincare helped clear up her acne. (她分享了一篇关于某个护肤品牌如何帮助净化她的痘痘的推荐书。)

9. The charity organization used testimonials from donors to encourage others to donate. (该慈善组织利用捐赠者的推荐书来鼓励其他人捐赠。)

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