Stigmella是什么意思 Stigmella的读音、翻译、用法

Stigmella是什么意思 Stigmella的读音、翻译、用法



1. Stigmella multispicata是一种在梨树上生活的蛾类。

(Stigmella multispicata is a moth that lives on pear trees.)

2. Stigmella aeneofasciella是一种常见的果树害虫。

(Stigmella aeneofasciella is a common pest of fruit trees.)

3. 这种毛毡梨叶螟蛾被确认为Stigmella oxyacanthella。

(This woolly pear leaf miner has been identified as Stigmella oxyacanthella.)

4. 在春季和初夏,Stigmella salicis在杨树上寄生和产卵。

(In spring and early summer, Stigmella salicis parasitizes and lays eggs on willows.)

5. 这种Stigmella minuscule蛾类在过去几年里从欧洲进入了北美。

(This Stigmella minuscule moth has entered North America from Europe in recent years.)

6. Stigmella crataegella是一种生活在山楂树上的昆虫。

(Stigmella crataegella is an insect that lives on hawthorn trees.)

7. 在叶片的下表面,Stigmella pyri在梨树上挖破了小洞。

(Stigmella pyri burrows small holes in the lower surface of leaves on pear trees.)

8. Stigmella incognitella是一种还没有被完全识别的新类型的昆虫。

(Stigmella incognitella is a new type of insect that has not been fully identified.)

9. 在花萼的内部,Stigmella sorbi在花楸树上形成了小的蛾和幼虫。

(Inside the calyx, Stigmella sorbi forms small moths and larvae on rowan trees.)

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