d是什么意思 d的读音、翻译、用法

d是什么意思 d的读音、翻译、用法



1. Don't forget to bring your ID card.(不要忘记带上你的身份证。)

2. The doctor prescribed me some vitamin D tablets.(医生开了点维生素D片给我。)

3. I need to buy some adhesive tape to fix this.(我需要买些胶带来修理这个。)

4. The temperature dropped suddenly last night.(昨晚气温突然下降了。)

5. Please turn off your cell phone during the flight.(请在飞行期间关闭你的手机。)

6. She ordered a medium-sized hot chocolate with whipped cream.(她点了一杯中杯热巧克力加奶油。)

7. I always take the stairs instead of the elevator.(我总是走楼梯而不是坐电梯。)

8. I can't wait for the weekend to come.(我迫不及待地想要周末的到来。)

9. He decided to pursue his dream of becoming a musician.(他决定追逐自己成为音乐家的梦想。)

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