trolleybus是什么意思 trolleybus的读音、翻译、用法

trolleybus是什么意思 trolleybus的读音、翻译、用法



1. The trolleybus network in the city is very extensive.(这座城市的无轨电车网络非常广泛。)

2. The new trolleybus line will connect the downtown area with the suburbs.(新的无轨电车线路将连接市中心和郊区。)

3. The trolleybus is a popular means of transportation in many European cities.(无轨电车是许多欧洲城市受欢迎的交通工具。)

4. The trolleybus driver was very kind and helped us with directions.(无轨电车司机非常友好,帮助我们指路。)

5. The trolleybus station is just a few minutes walk from here.(无轨电车站距离这里只有几分钟的步行路程。)

6. The trolleybus was invented in the early 20th century.(无轨电车是在20世纪初发明的。)

7. The trolleybus runs on electricity and is therefore environmentally friendly.(无轨电车使用电力驱动,因此环保。)

8. The trolleybus was delayed due to traffic congestion.(无轨电车因交通拥堵而延误了。)

9. The trolleybus company announced plans to expand the network.(无轨电车公司宣布计划扩大网络。)

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