Big Ben是什么意思 Big Ben的读音、翻译、用法

Big Ben是什么意思 Big Ben的读音、翻译、用法

'Big Ben'是英语,中文可翻译为“大本钟”,是位于伦敦的一座具有历史和文化意义的宏伟钟楼。大本钟在英国文化中扮演着重要的角色,往往象征着英国和伦敦城市的代表性建筑之一。


1. Big Ben是一个名词,表示伦敦标志性的宏伟钟楼。

2. Big Ben也可以指钟楼上的大钟或者整个钟楼的钟声。

3. 代表英国文化的符号,Big Ben也可以用于广告、新闻等场合。


1. The sound of Big Ben chiming is one of the most recognizable sounds in the world.(Big Ben的钟声是世界上最具有辨识度的声音之一。)

2. Every New Year's Eve, thousands of people gather around Big Ben to watch the fireworks.(每年除夕夜,成千上万的人围绕着大本钟观看烟火。)

3. I was late for my appointment because I got stuck in traffic near Big Ben.(我因为在大本钟附近堵车而迟到了我的约会。)

4. The Big Ben clock tower is a popular tourist attraction in London.(大本钟钟楼是伦敦的一个受欢迎的旅游景点。)

5. The Big Ben clock is accurate to within a few seconds.(大本钟的钟表精度高,误差只有几秒钟。)

6. The chimes of Big Ben can be heard from miles away.(大本钟的钟声可以传播数英里之外。)

7. The Big Ben clock face is illuminated at night, making it a beautiful sight to see.(大本钟的钟面在夜晚被照亮,成为一个美丽的景点。)

8. The construction of Big Ben was completed in 1859.(大本钟建造完成于xx年。)

9. The nickname "Big Ben" actually refers to the bell inside the clock tower, not the tower itself.(“大本钟”这个绰号实际上是指钟楼内部的钟,而不是钟楼本身。)

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