'Jordan Farmar'是英语词语,中文翻译为乔丹·法玛尔。他是一位美国职业篮球运动员,曾效力于NBA多支球队,包括洛杉矶湖人队和纽约尼克斯队。
以下是9个含有'Jordan Farmar'的例句:
1. Jordan Farmar had a great game last night, scoring 20 points and leading his team to victory.(乔丹·法玛尔昨晚表现出色,打进了20分,带领球队获得胜利。)
2. The Lakers signed Jordan Farmar as a backup point guard for the upcoming season.(湖人队签下了乔丹·法玛尔作为下一个赛季的后备控球后卫。)
3. Jordan Farmar was waived by the Clippers earlier this year, but he quickly found a new team in the Grizzlies.(乔丹·法玛尔今年早些时候被快船队裁掉了,但他很快加入了灰熊队。)
4. Despite his small size, Jordan Farmar is known for his toughness and determination on the court.(尽管身材矮小,但乔丹·法玛尔以场上的坚韧和毅力而著称。)
5. Jordan Farmar's shooting has improved a lot in recent years, making him a valuable asset for any team.(乔丹·法玛尔近年来的投篮技巧有了很大的提高,使他成为了任何球队的宝贵资产。)
6. The Nets were hoping that Jordan Farmar would be some stability at the point guard position.(篮网队希望乔丹·法玛尔能够在控球后卫位置上提供一些稳定性。)
7. Jordan Farmar's contract with the Maccabi Tel Aviv team was one of the biggest in Israeli basketball history.(乔丹·法玛尔与迈卡比特拉维夫队的合同是以色列篮球历史上最大的合同之一。)
8. In his prime, Jordan Farmar was considered one of the best young point guards in the NBA.(在巅峰时期,乔丹·法玛尔被认为是NBA最优秀的年轻控球后卫之一。)
9. Jordan Farmar's experience and leadership will be crucial for the Kings as they look to make a playoff push this season.(随着国王队在本赛季努力争取进入季后赛,乔丹·法玛尔的经验和领导力将非常重要。)