1. The sound of a jet engine can reach up to 140 decibels, which is deafening.(一架喷气式发动机的声音可以达到140分贝,非常刺耳。)
2. The music in the bar was so loud that it measured 80 decibels.(酒吧里的音乐声音太大了,达到了80分贝。)
3. The noise level in the factory was over 90 decibels, causing hearing damage to the workers.(工厂内的噪音水平超过90分贝,对工人的听力造成了损伤。)
4. The sound of the fireworks show reached 120 decibels, which is the equivalent of a thunderclap.(烟花表演的声音达到了120分贝,相当于一声雷鸣。)
5. The speakers at the concert were producing sound at 110 decibels, causing some audience members to cover their ears.(音乐会上的扬声器发出了110分贝的声音,使一些观众不得不捂住耳朵。)
6. The noise from the construction site measured 100 decibels, making it hard for people to concentrate.(施工现场的噪音达到了100分贝,让人们难以集中精力。)
7. The loudspeaker at the stadium produced sound at 90 decibels, and the crowd cheered even louder.(体育场的扬声器发出了90分贝的声音,观众欢呼声更大了。)
8. The sound of the alarm clock was so soft that it only measured 30 decibels.(闹钟的声音非常轻柔,只有30分贝。)
9. The sound of a whisper is typically around 20 decibels, making it difficult to hear in a noisy environment.(耳语的声音通常在20分贝左右,在嘈杂的环境里很难听清。)