1. Vamidothion is commonly used to control spider mites on fruit trees. (vamidothion经常用于控制果树上的蜘蛛螨)
2. The use of vamidothion is not recommended in areas where water sources are vulnerable to contamination. (不建议在水源容易受到污染的地区使用vamidothion)
3. Farmers are required to wear protective clothing when using vamidothion to avoid accidental exposure. (农民在使用vamidothion时需穿戴防护服装,以避免意外暴露)
4. Vamidothion has been banned in some countries due to its toxic effects on the environment. (由于vamidothion对环境有毒性影响,一些国家已经禁止其使用)
5. Vamidothion residues were detected in a sample of imported fruits, leading to a recall. (进口水果样品中检测出了vamidothion残留,导致召回)
6. The recommended dosage of vamidothion varies depending on the type of crop and pests. (vamidothion的推荐剂量因作物和害虫的不同而有所差异)
7. Vamidothion can be harmful to bees and other beneficial insects, so caution is advised when applying it near flowering plants. (vamidothion对蜜蜂等有益昆虫有害,因此在靠近有花植物的地方使用时要小心)
8. The toxicity of vamidothion is higher when it is applied in hot and humid weather conditions. (在高温潮湿的天气条件下使用vamidothion时毒性更高)
9. The use of vamidothion has declined in recent years as more environmentally friendly pesticides become available. (随着更环保的杀虫剂的出现,vamidothion的使用量近年来有所下降)