haste是什么意思 haste的读音、翻译、用法

haste是什么意思 haste的读音、翻译、用法



1. He left in haste. (他匆忙离开了。)

2. She finished the task with great haste. (她匆匆完成了任务。)

3. I regret my haste in making that decision. (我后悔过于匆忙地做出了那个决定。)

4. We must act with haste before it's too late. (我们必须迅速行动,否则就来不及了。)

5. The company was criticized for its haste in releasing the product. (公司因发布产品过于匆忙而受到批评。)

6. The doctor acted with haste to save the patient’s life. (医生迅速行动以挽救病人的生命。)

7. She got dressed in haste and ran out the door. (她匆忙穿好衣服,冲出了门。)

8. The thief fled the scene in great haste. (小偷匆忙逃离了现场。)

9. The teacher warned the students not to do their work in haste. (老师警告学生们不要匆忙地完成作业。)

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