1. The mutilation of wild animals is a serious crime.(对野生动物的伤害是严重的犯罪行为。)
2. The soldier lost his arm in a brutal mutilation.(士兵在残忍的肢体伤害中失去了一只手臂。)
3. The horse suffered severe mutilation from the barbed wire fence.(这匹马在铁丝网围栏中遭受了严重的肢体伤害。)
4. Female genital mutilation is a harmful cultural practice.(女性生殖器割礼是一种有害的文化习俗。)
5. The victim's body bore signs of mutilation and torture.(受害者的身体上有残害和折磨的痕迹。)
6. The surgeon performed the amputation to prevent further mutilation.(外科医生进行截肢手术以防止进一步疮痍。)
7. The animal rights group condemned the mutilation and abuse of circus animals.(动物权利组织谴责马戏团动物的毁伤和虐待。)
8. The government passed a law to combat the mutilation of children for ritual purposes.(政府通过一项法律来打击因仪式目的而对儿童进行割伤的行为。)
9. The detective found evidence of animal mutilation at the crime scene.(侦探在现场发现了动物毁伤的证据。)