1. Morantel可以预防和治疗猪的钩虫感染。
(Morantel can prevent and treat hookworm infection in pigs.)
2. 在家禽中添加Morantel可以防止蛔虫感染。
(Adding Morantel to poultry can prevent roundworm infections.)
3. 这种药物可以通过混合饲料的方式给家畜服用。
(This drug can be administered to livestock by mixing it with feed.)
4. Morantel的使用应该在兽医的建议下进行。
(The use of Morantel should be carried out under the advice of a veterinarian.)
5. 建议每3-6个月服用一次Morantel。
(It is recommended to take Morantel every 3-6 months.)
6. 莫兰特对马的寄生虫感染也有效。
(Morantel is also effective against parasitic infections in horses.)
7. 在使用Morantel期间,应该减少牧草和水的接触。
(During the use of Morantel, contact with grass and water should be minimized.)
8. Morantel是一种广谱杀虫剂,可用于家畜和家禽。
(Morantel is a broad-spectrum insecticide that can be used in livestock and poultry.)
9. 莫兰特兽药在澳大利亚流行了很长时间。
(Morantel veterinary medicine has been popular in Australia for a long time.)