Smaug是什么意思 Smaug的读音、翻译、用法

Smaug是什么意思 Smaug的读音、翻译、用法

Smaug这个词源于英国作家J.R.R.托尔金(J.R.R. Tolkien)的小说《霍比特人》(The Hobbit),意为一只强大的龙。它通常被翻译为“史矛革”,“斯莫格”或“斯迈格”。


1. Smaug is the antagonist of The Hobbit. (Smaug是《霍比特人》中的反派角色。)

2. Bilbo Baggins steals a cup from Smaug's treasure hoard. (比尔博·巴金斯从史矛革的宝藏中偷了一只杯子。)

3. Smaug is known for his impenetrable scales and his love for treasure. (斯莫格以他坚不可摧的鳞片和对财宝的热爱而闻名。)

4. The dwarves were determined to kill Smaug and reclaim their treasure. (矮人们决心杀死史矛革并夺回他们的财宝。)

5. The town of Lake-town is destroyed by Smaug's wrath. (史矛革的愤怒摧毁了湖镇。)

6. Smaug's lair is located in the Lonely Mountain. (史矛革的巢穴位于孤山。)

7. Smaug's roar echoed through the halls of Erebor. (史矛革的咆哮在厄尔伯的大厅里回荡。)

8. Bard the Bowman is the one who ultimately kills Smaug. (弓箭手巴德最终杀死了史矛革。)

9. Smaug's death marked the end of an era for the dwarves of Erebor. (史矛革的死标志着厄尔伯的矮人们时代的结束。)

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