Aculus schlechtendali是什么意思 Aculus schlechtendali的读音、翻译、用法

Aculus schlechtendali是什么意思 Aculus schlechtendali的读音、翻译、用法

'Aculus schlechtendali'是拉丁语,意为“葡萄萎缩叶螨”,它是一种危害葡萄树的害虫。这个词语通常被翻译成“葡萄叶螨”,用于描述一种影响葡萄树生长和果实质量的微小昆虫。

以下是9个含有'Aculus schlechtendali'的例句:

1. The population of 'Aculus schlechtendali' has been increasing in recent years, causing damage to the grapevines.('Aculus schlechtendali'的种群数量近年来不断增加,对葡萄藤造成破坏。)

2. 'Aculus schlechtendali' is a common pest of grapevines in many wine-growing regions.('Aculus schlechtendali'是许多葡萄酒产区常见的害虫。)

3. To control 'Aculus schlechtendali', farmers often use chemical insecticides or other pest management practices.(为了控制'Aculus schlechtendali',农民通常使用化学杀虫剂或其他害虫管理方法。)

4. The damage caused by 'Aculus schlechtendali' can result in reduced grape yields and poor quality wine.('Aculus schlechtendali'造成的破坏可能导致葡萄产量下降,葡萄酒质量下降。)

5. The life cycle of 'Aculus schlechtendali' includes four stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult.('Aculus schlechtendali'的生命周期包括四个阶段:卵、幼虫、若虫和成虫。)

6. 'Aculus schlechtendali' is a tiny mite that feeds on the undersides of grape leaves.('Aculus schlechtendali'是一种微小的螨虫,以葡萄叶的下侧为食。)

7. The presence of 'Aculus schlechtendali' can be detected by examining leaves for signs of damage or by using traps to capture adult mites.(可以通过检查叶子上的病害迹象或使用捕获成虫的陷阱来检测'Aculus schlechtendali'的存在。)

8. 'Aculus schlechtendali' is most active during the warm months of the year, and can quickly spread throughout a vineyard if not controlled.('Aculus schlechtendali'在xx年中的暖季最为活跃,如果不受限制,可以迅速在整个葡萄园中蔓延。)

9. Integrated pest management strategies, including the use of natural predators, can be effective in controlling 'Aculus schlechtendali' without relying solely on chemicals.(综合害虫管理策略,包括使用天然捕食者,可以在不完全依赖化学物质的情况下有效控制'Aculus schlechtendali'。)

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