grebe是什么意思 grebe的读音、翻译、用法

grebe是什么意思 grebe的读音、翻译、用法


1. The grebe dived beneath the surface of the water.(䴙䴘潜入水下。)

2. I saw a pair of grebes on the lake.(我看见湖上有一对䴙䴘。)

3. The grebe's feet are positioned far back on the body.(䴙䴘的脚位于身体的后部。)

4. Grebes are expert divers and can stay underwater for up to 30 seconds.(䴙䴘是优秀的潜水专家,可以在水下停留长达30秒。)

5. The grebe's diet consists mainly of fish and aquatic invertebrates.(䴙䴘的食物主要由鱼类和水生无脊椎动物组成。)

6. The grebe's breeding season is from March to June.(䴙䴘的繁殖季节是从xx月到xx月。)

7. Grebes are monogamous and typically mate for life.(䴙䴘是一夫一妻制的,通常一辈子只有一个伴侣。)

8. Grebes are known for their elaborate courtship displays.(䴙䴘以其复杂的求偶展示而闻名。)

9. The small grebe is the smallest species of grebe in the world.(小䴙䴘是世界上最小的䴙䴘物种。)

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