'Curcuma amada'不是一个国家的语言,它是植物学上的一个学名,中文常见的翻译是可食用姜黄。这种植物原产于印度,通常被用作调料,也可以被制成药物。
以下是9个含有Curcuma amada的例句:
1. Curcuma amada 是印度传统草药的主要成分之一,被认为有助于消化和治疗感冒。
(Curcuma amada is one of the main ingredients in traditional Indian herbal medicine, believed to aid digestion and treat colds.)
2. 印度菜肴中经常使用 Curcuma amada 作为调料,以增加风味。
(Curcuma amada is commonly used as a spice in Indian cuisine to add flavor.)
3. 可食用姜黄中的 Curcuma amada 含有丰富的抗氧化剂和抗炎症成分。
(Curcuma amada in edible turmeric contains rich antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components.)
4. 在印度传统医学中,Curcuma amada 也被用作美容药物。
(Curcuma amada is also used as a cosmetic medicine in traditional Indian medicine.)
5. 可食用姜黄粉中含有丰富的 Curcuma amada,这种成分可提高身体免疫力。
(Edible turmeric powder contains rich Curcuma amada, which can enhance the body's immunity.)
6. Curcuma amada 可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长,并被认为是一种潜在的癌症治疗药物。
(Curcuma amada can inhibit the growth of tumor cells and is considered a potential cancer treatment drug.)
7. 在印度的阿育吠陀医学中,Curcuma amada 被用作缓解关节疼痛和炎症的药物。
(In Ayurvedic medicine in India, Curcuma amada is used as a medicine to relieve joint pain and inflammation.)
8. Curcuma amada 还被用于治疗胆石症,有助于减少胆囊炎发作的风险。
(Curcuma amada is also used to treat gallstones and reduce the risk of gallbladder attacks.)
9. 可食用姜黄汁可能包含一定量的 Curcuma amada,这种成分对预防糖尿病和心脏病有益。
(Edible turmeric juice may contain some Curcuma amada, which is beneficial for preventing diabetes and heart disease.)