Bauhinia petersiana是什么意思 Bauhinia petersiana的读音、翻译、用法

Bauhinia petersiana是什么意思 Bauhinia petersiana的读音、翻译、用法

'Bauhinia petersiana'是英语词语,中文翻译为“彼得氏紫荆”。它是一种生长在非洲的落叶灌木或小乔木植物,高度可达3-5米。它的花朵呈深紫色,开放时非常美丽,常常被用来装饰花坛和公园。

以下是9个含有'Bauhinia petersiana'的例句:

1. The park is filled with the beautiful blooms of Bauhinia petersiana. (公园里盛开着美丽的彼得氏紫荆。)

2. The leaves of Bauhinia petersiana are shaped like a butterfly. (彼得氏紫荆的叶子形状像蝴蝶。)

3. Bauhinia petersiana is commonly used in traditional African medicine. (彼得氏紫荆在非洲传统医学中常被使用。)

4. The flowers of Bauhinia petersiana attract many species of butterflies. (彼得氏紫荆的花吸引了许多种蝴蝶。)

5. The bark of Bauhinia petersiana is used to make a traditional African dye. (彼得氏紫荆的树皮被用来制作非洲传统染料。)

6. Bauhinia petersiana is an important source of nectar for local bee populations. (彼得氏紫荆是当地蜜蜂的重要蜜源。)

7. The leaves of Bauhinia petersiana are used in traditional African cuisine as a vegetable. (彼得氏紫荆的叶子在非洲传统烹饪中被当作蔬菜使用。)

8. The wood of Bauhinia petersiana is known for its durability and resistance to rot. (彼得氏紫荆的木材以其耐用性和抗腐性而闻名。)

9. Bauhinia petersiana is a popular ornamental plant in gardens and parks around the world. (彼得氏紫荆是全球园林和公园中受欢迎的观赏植物。)

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