Ronald Graham是什么意思 Ronald Graham的读音、翻译、用法

Ronald Graham是什么意思 Ronald Graham的读音、翻译、用法

'Ronald Graham'这个词语源于英语,是一个人名,常见翻译为“罗纳德·格雷厄姆”,他是一名著名的数学家和计算机科学家,对组合数学、计算机算法、数学教育等领域做出了杰出贡献。

以下是9个包含'Ronald Graham'词语的例句:

1. Ronald Graham is known for his work on the Ramsey theory, which has many applications in computer science.(罗纳德·格雷厄姆以他在拉姆齐理论方面的工作而闻名,这在计算机科学中有很多应用。)

2. In 1971, Ronald Graham proved the Erdős–Straus conjecture, a longstanding problem in number theory.(xx年,罗纳德·格雷厄姆证明了艾尔多什-斯特劳斯猜想,这是数论中的一个长期问题。)

3. Ronald Graham's book Concrete Mathematics is a classic text that teaches math through problem solving.(罗纳德·格雷厄姆的著作《具体数学》是一本经典的教材,通过解决问题来教授数学。)

4. Ronald Graham co-founded the annual Joint Mathematics Meetings, the largest gathering of mathematicians in the world.(罗纳德·格雷厄姆共同创立了年度联合数学会议,这是世界上最大的数学家聚集活动。)

5. Ronald Graham is a recipient of the Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement, one of the highest honors in mathematics.(罗纳德·格雷厄姆是斯蒂尔终身成就奖的获得者,这是数学界最高的荣誉之一。)

6. Ronald Graham was a mentor to many young mathematicians and computer scientists.(罗纳德·格雷厄姆是许多年轻数学家和计算机科学家的导师。)

7. The Graham–Pollak theorem, named after Ronald Graham and Ivan Pollak, is an important result in graph theory.(格雷厄姆-波拉克定理是以罗纳德·格雷厄姆和伊万·波拉克命名的,它是图论中的一个重要结果。)

8. Ronald Graham was a champion of mathematical outreach, working to bring math to a wider audience.(罗纳德·格雷厄姆是数学外展的倡导者,致力于让更多人了解数学。)

9. The Graham scan algorithm, developed by Ronald Graham, is a common method for constructing the convex hull of a set of points.(格雷厄姆扫描算法是由罗纳德·格雷厄姆开发的,它是构造一组点的凸包的常用方法。)

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