TPA是英语缩写,全称为Tissue plasminogen activator,即组织型纤维蛋白溶酶原激活物。该词语常用于描述一种药物,作用为溶解血栓,通常用于心肌梗死和脑梗死的治疗中。
1. The patient received TPA intravenously within 3 hours after the onset of stroke symptoms.(病人在中风症状发生后3小时内静脉注射了TPA。)
2. The use of intravenous TPA has significantly improved the survival rate of patients with massive pulmonary embolism.(静脉注射TPA显著提高了重度肺栓塞患者的生存率。)
3. TPA therapy must be started as soon as possible after the onset of myocardial infarction.(心肌梗死发作后必须尽快开始TPA治疗。)
4. The effectiveness of TPA in preventing deep vein thrombosis needs further investigation.(TPA预防深静脉血栓形成的有效性需要进一步研究。)
5. TPA can be administered through a catheter directly into the site of the clot.(TPA可以通过导管直接注入栓子所在的部位。)
6. Patients with a history of bleeding disorders should not receive TPA treatment.(有出血性疾病史的病人不应接受TPA治疗。)
7. The dosage of TPA should be adjusted based on the patient's age, weight and medical history.(TPA的剂量应根据病人的年龄、体重和病史进行调整。)
8. TPA can sometimes cause side effects such as bleeding and allergic reactions.(TPA有时会引起出血和过敏反应等副作用。)
9. TPA is a thrombolytic agent that has been widely used in the treatment of stroke and other thrombotic diseases.(TPA是一种溶栓药物,已广泛用于中风和其他血栓性疾病的治疗中。)