Chinatown是什么意思 Chinatown的读音、翻译、用法

Chinatown是什么意思 Chinatown的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'Chinatown'是英语词语,中文翻译为“唐人街”。

2. 唐人街是指一个居住着华人或亚裔人群的城市社区或商业区,通常有许多中餐厅、亚洲超市和商店等。

3. 例句:

- I love going to Chinatown to buy fresh ingredients for my Chinese cooking.(我喜欢去唐人街买新鲜的食材做中国菜。)

- Chinatown in New York is one of the oldest and largest Chinese enclaves in the US.(纽约的唐人街是美国最古老、最大的华人聚居区之一。)

- The Chinatown in San Francisco is a popular tourist destination for its vibrant atmosphere and authentic Chinese food.(旧金山的唐人街因其充满活力的氛围和正宗的中餐而成为了一个热门旅游胜地。)

- A lot of the signs in Chinatown are written in Chinese characters, so it can be a bit challenging to navigate.(很多唐人街的标志都是用中文写的,所以导航有些困难。)

- The Chinatown in Vancouver has a large Sikh population, which is unusual for a predominantly Chinese area.(温哥华的唐人街有一个庞大的锡克教徒人口,这在一个以华人为主的地区是不寻常的。)

- Many Chinatowns host Chinese New Year celebrations, which are always a lot of fun.(许多唐人街都会举办中国新年庆祝活动,非常有趣。)

- I always go to Chinatown to buy my favorite Chinese snacks, like steamed buns and egg tarts.(我总是去唐人街买我喜欢的中国小吃,比如包子和蛋挞。)

- I went to Chinatown in London and was surprised to find so many Chinese-owned shops and restaurants.(我去了伦敦的唐人街,惊讶地发现有很多华人经营的商店和餐厅。)

- The Chinatown in Sydney has a rich history and is home to many important Chinese-Australian organizations.(悉尼的唐人街历史悠久,是许多重要的华裔澳大利亚组织的所在地。)

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