1. The prevalence of Mesocestoididae in wild canids is higher than that in domestic dogs.(野生犬科动物中Mesocestoididae的患病率高于家犬)
2. Mesocestoididae larvae can cause severe damage to the liver of infected animals.(感染Mesocestoididae幼虫会对动物的肝脏造成严重损害)
3. The taxonomy of Mesocestoididae is still controversial among scientists.(Mesocestoididae的分类在科学家中仍存在争议)
4. Effective medication can prevent Mesocestoididae infection in dogs.(有效的药物可以预防犬只感染Mesocestoididae)
5. Mesocestoididae can be transmitted to humans through ingestion of infected animal meat.(通过食用感染了Mesocestoididae的动物肉类,人类也可能被传染)
6. The life cycle of Mesocestoididae involves multiple hosts, including wild rodents and canids.(Mesocestoididae的生命周期涉及多个宿主,包括野生啮齿类动物和犬科动物)
7. Mesocestoididae infection can lead to weight loss and anemia in animals.(感染Mesocestoididae可能导致动物体重减少和贫血)
8. The morphology of Mesocestoididae larvae is characteristic and can be used for diagnosis.(Mesocestoididae幼虫的形态特征独特,可用于诊断)
9. The geographic distribution of Mesocestoididae varies depending on the host range and ecology.(Mesocestoididae的地理分布因宿主范围和生态环境而不同)