1. 神农耕作养育天下,开创了中国的农耕文明。(中文翻译:Shennong worked hard to cultivate and nurture the world, creating China's agricultural civilization.)
2. 神农教人使用五谷草药治病,开创了中医药文化。(中文翻译:Shennong taught people how to use grains and herbs to treat diseases, creating Chinese culture of traditional Chinese medicine.)
3. 神农夫妇在天上播种灵草,下凡发现良药。(中文翻译:Shennong and his wife planted spiritual herbs in the sky, and found good medicine after descending to earth.)
4. 神农发明了农具,改善了人们的劳动生产力。(中文翻译:Shennong invented agricultural tools, improving people's labor productivity.)
5. 神农教人如何通过观察天象预测天气,提高了农业生产效率。(中文翻译:Shennong taught people how to predict the weather by observing celestial phenomena, improving agricultural productivity.)
6. 传说神农尝百草而不死,成为了中药疗效广泛的标志性人物。(中文翻译:Legend has it that Shennong tasted a hundred herbs and did not die, becoming a symbol of the wide efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine.)
7. 神农《黄帝内经》被誉为中医药文化的经典著作。(中文翻译:Shennong's "Huangdi Neijing" is regarded as a classic work of traditional Chinese medicine culture.)
8. 神农在历史上被尊为农业之神,而其神话故事也被广泛流传。(中文翻译:Shennong was revered as the god of agriculture in history, and his mythological stories are widely circulated.)
9. 敬爱神农,继承中华民族的优秀传统文化。(中文翻译:Respect Shennong and inherit the outstanding traditional culture of the Chinese nation.)