'Brasenose College'是英语,中文翻译为布拉森诺斯学院。这是位于英国牛津市的一所著名的学院,成立于xx年,是牛津大学中历史最悠久的学院之一。它得名于创办人威廉·斯密斯的家族徽章中的一头铜牛。该学院有着丰富的历史和文化背景,并且著名的校友包括英国首相、文学家、艺术家等。
以下是九个含有'Brasenose College'的例句:
1. Brasenose College is one of the oldest and most prestigious colleges in Oxford.(布拉森诺斯学院是牛津大学中历史最悠久、最有名望的学院之一。)
2. After graduating from Brasenose College, he started his career in the financial industry.(在布拉森诺斯学院毕业后,他开始了他的金融业职业生涯。)
3. The chapel of Brasenose College was built in the 18th century and is known for its beautiful architecture.(布拉森诺斯学院的教堂建于18世纪,以其美丽的建筑风格而著名。)
4. The library of Brasenose College contains a large collection of rare manuscripts and books.(布拉森诺斯学院的图书馆收藏了大量的珍贵手稿和书籍。)
5. Many famous writers and poets studied at Brasenose College, including Percy Bysshe Shelley and William Golding.(许多著名的作家和诗人在布拉森诺斯学院学习,包括珀西·比希·雪莱和威廉·戈尔丁。)
6. Brasenose College has a long and proud tradition of rowing, and its boat club has won numerous championships.(布拉森诺斯学院拥有悠久而光荣的划船传统,其船队赢得了许多冠军。)
7. The dining hall at Brasenose College is a stunning example of Gothic architecture.(布拉森诺斯学院的餐厅是哥特式建筑的一个惊人范例。)
8. The gardens at Brasenose College are a peaceful oasis in the heart of bustling Oxford.(布拉森诺斯学院的花园是牛津市中心繁华地带的一个宁静的绿洲。)
9. Brasenose College is known for its strong academic programs in law, politics, and economics.(布拉森诺斯学院以其在法律、政治和经济领域的强大学术项目而著名。)