1. 蛐蛐属于网翅目的一种。(中文:Grasshoppers are a type of Dictyoptera.)
2. 鸟嘴蜂是一种具有独特形态的网翅目昆虫。(中文:The bee fly is a unique-looking Dictyoptera insect.)
3. 这个花园里有很多蟑螂,它们属于网翅目。(中文:There are a lot of cockroaches in this garden and they belong to Dictyoptera.)
4. 蜻蜓和蝗虫都是网翅目的昆虫。(中文:Dragonflies and grasshoppers are both insects of the order Dictyoptera.)
5. 在热带地区,巨型蟑螂是网翅目昆虫中最大的。(中文:In tropical regions, the giant cockroach is the largest of the Dictyoptera insects.)
6. 一只巨型螳螂在树枝上徘徊,它也属于网翅目。(中文:A giant mantis is crawling around a branch, and it too belongs to Dictyoptera.)
7. 这个画家的作品中经常出现蝗虫和蚱蜢,这些都是网翅目的昆虫。(中文:This painter often includes grasshoppers and locusts in their works, which are all insects of the order Dictyoptera.)
8. 在博物馆的昆虫区,你可以看到一些网翅目的标本。(中文:In the insect section of the museum, you can find some specimens of Dictyoptera.)
9. 蚊子不是网翅目昆虫,因为它们没有翅膀。(中文:Mosquitoes are not insects of the order Dictyoptera, as they do not have wings.)