Lon Nol是什么意思 Lon Nol的读音、翻译、用法

Lon Nol是什么意思 Lon Nol的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'Lon Nol'是柬埔寨的词语,翻译为“隆·诺尔”。

2. Lon Nol是柬埔寨历史上的一位将军和政治家,他曾在xx年发动政变推翻国王诺罗敦·西哈努克,并担任柬埔寨总统直至xx年。他通过反共的政策引发了越战和红色高棉的崛起,最终导致了柬埔寨的灾难性内战。

3. 以下是含有'Lon Nol'的9个例句:

- Lon Nol在柬埔寨历史上扮演了重要角色。(中文翻译:Lon Nol played an important role in Cambodian history.)

- Lon Nol是柬埔寨军方的一位高级军官。(中文翻译:Lon Nol was a senior military officer in Cambodia.)

- xx年,Lon Nol发动政变推翻了国王。(中文翻译:In 1970, Lon Nol staged a coup and overthrew the king.)

- Lon Nol试图通过控制红色高棉来保持政权。(中文翻译:Lon Nol attempted to maintain his regime by controlling the Khmer Rouge.)

- xx年,Lon Nol政府和北越达成了停火协议。(中文翻译:In 1973, the Lon Nol government reached a ceasefire agreement with North Vietnam.)

- Lon Nol在旅途中去世,享年xx岁。(中文翻译:Lon Nol died at the age of 72 while on a trip.)

- Lon Nol的政府在xx年被红色高棉推翻。(中文翻译:Lon Nol's government was overthrown by the Khmer Rouge in 1975.)

- Lon Nol曾试图通过反共政策来打击柬埔寨共产党。(中文翻译:Lon Nol attempted to combat the Cambodian Communists through anti-communist policies.)

- Lon Nol的政权在越战期间得到了美国的支持。(中文翻译:Lon Nol's regime received support from the United States during the Vietnam War.)

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