'Guo Shoujing'这个词语源于中国汉语。它是一个著名的中国古代数学家、天文学家和建筑师的名字,他生活在元朝(公元1231-1368)时期。他是中国古代数学、天文学和建筑学三位一体、杰出的代表之一,被誉为“古代科学技术巨匠”。他的主要成就包括修建大量水利工程、改进天文观测仪器以及研究数学和天文学,其代表作之一是《大明历》。他在中国科学技术史上有着重要的地位。
以下是9个含有“Guo Shoujing”的例句:
1. 郭守敬是中国古代著名的数学家和天文学家。
(Guo Shoujing is a famous mathematician and astronomer in ancient China.)
2. 郭守敬主要负责修建大型水利工程。
(Guo Shoujing is mainly responsible for constructing large-scale hydraulic projects.)
3. 郭守敬设计的天文仪器极大地促进了中国天文学的发展。
(The astronomical instruments designed by Guo Shoujing greatly promoted the development of astronomy in China.)
4. 郭守敬的贡献在中国科技史上有着重要的地位。
(Guo Shoujing's contribution has an important position in the history of science and technology in China.)
5. 郭守敬的成就不仅在中国,也影响了世界科学史。
(Guo Shoujing's achievements not only influenced China but also world scientific history.)
6. 郭守敬是中国古代科学家的代表性人物之一。
(Guo Shoujing is one of the representative figures of ancient Chinese scientists.)
7. 郭守敬的研究成果对中国的水利工程建设有着深远的影响。
(The research results of Guo Shoujing have a profound impact on the construction of hydraulic projects in China.)
8. 郭守敬被誉为“古代科学技术巨匠”,他的成就为后人留下了宝贵的财富。
(Guo Shoujing is known as the "ancient master of science and technology", and his achievements have left a valuable legacy for future generations.)
9. 郭守敬在中国科学史上的地位不亚于欧洲古代科学家,是中国古代科学技术的宝库之一。
(Guo Shoujing's status in the history of science and technology in China is as important as that of ancient European scientists and is one of the treasuries of ancient Chinese science and technology.)