1. Lesothosaurus was a small bipedal dinosaur that lived in the early Jurassic period.(莱索托龙是侏罗纪早期生活在陆地上的小型双足恐龙。)
2. The discovery of Lesothosaurus fossils shed light on the evolution of early dinosaurs.(莱索托龙化石的发现揭示了早期恐龙的进化历程。)
3. Lesothosaurus was about the size of a large chicken and did not weigh much.(莱索托龙的体型大约和一只大鸡差不多大小,重量也不重。)
4. Lesothosaurus had sharp teeth for biting off vegetation.(莱索托龙有锐利的牙齿,用于咬断植物。)
5. The Lesothosaurus fossils were found in the Mohali area of Lesotho.(莱索托龙化石是在莱索托的莫哈利地区被发现的。)
6. Scientists believe that Lesothosaurus lived in herds and may have migrated to find food.(科学家认为莱索托龙是群居动物,可能会迁徙寻找食物。)
7. Lesothosaurus was a basal ornithischian dinosaur, which means it was more primitive than later ornithischians such as triceratops.(莱索托龙是一种基础鸟臀目恐龙,比后来的鸟臀目恐龙如三角龙更为原始。)
8. Lesothosaurus had a long tail that it used for balance while running.(莱索托龙有一条长尾巴,用于奔跑时保持平衡。)
9. The Lesothosaurus is an important piece of evidence for understanding the early evolution of dinosaurs in southern Africa.(莱索托龙是了解南非早期恐龙进化历史的重要证据之一。)