1. Maltotriose是许多大肠杆菌胞外聚糖的主要组成部分。
Maltotriose is a major component of many extracellular polysaccharides in Escherichia coli.
2. 这种酿造啤酒的糖液中含有大量的maltotriose。
This brewing syrup contains a high amount of maltotriose.
3. 这项研究证明,maltotriose可以促进植物生长。
This study demonstrates that maltotriose can promote plant growth.
4. 麦芽糖酶是将淀粉分解成maltotriose和其他糖类的关键酶。
Maltase is a key enzyme that breaks down starch into maltotriose and other sugars.
5. Maltotriose可能对治疗糖尿病具有潜在疗效。
Maltotriose may have potential therapeutic effects for treating diabetes.
6. 这种热带水果中含有大量的maltotriose,是其独特口感的原因之一。
This tropical fruit contains a high amount of maltotriose, which is one of the reasons for its unique taste.
7. 该公司正在研究一种maltotriose衍生物,作为肥胖症的新型治疗药物。
The company is researching a maltotriose derivative as a new treatment for obesity.
8. 这种人工合成的maltotriose与天然产生的分子完全一致。
This artificially synthesized maltotriose is identical to naturally occurring molecules.
9. 葡萄糖分子可以通过化学反应合成maltotriose。
Glucose molecules can be synthesized into maltotriose through chemical reactions.