ACP是什么意思 ACP的读音、翻译、用法

ACP是什么意思 ACP的读音、翻译、用法

1. ACP是法国的词语,翻译为“自由共同体协议”。

2. ACP是英语单词“Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific”的缩写,指的是非洲、加勒比地区和太平洋地区国家和地区。

3. ACP协议是欧盟与ACP国家签署的贸易协定。

4. ACP国家享有欧盟提供的优惠贸易待遇,但需要履行特定的政治和经济条件。

5. 由于ACP协议的签署,欧盟成为ACP国家最大的贸易伙伴之一。

6. 该协议旨在促进ACP国家的经济和社会发展。

7. ACP协议的签署有助于解决ACP国家的贫困问题,提高人民的生活水平。

8. ACP国家在参与该协议的过程中需要进行相应的改革,以适应国际贸易的要求。

9. 通过ACP协议,欧盟可以帮助ACP国家提高其出口产品的质量和竞争力,从而促进两者之间的贸易合作。


1. The ACP countries have been provided with preferential treatment by the EU.


2. The ACP agreement has played an important role in promoting economic and social development of ACP countries.


3. The ACP countries need to make certain reforms to participate in the agreement.


4. ACP countries’ exports have increased significantly since the implementation of the agreement.


5. The EU provides technical assistance to the ACP countries to enhance their export capacity.


6. The ACP group is facing challenges in implementing the agreement due to the lack of resources.


7. The ACP agreement is a key tool for poverty reduction in ACP countries.


8. The EU monitors the implementation of the ACP agreement to ensure that ACP countries comply with the agreed terms and conditions.


9. The ACP agreement is a win-win situation for both ACP countries and the EU.


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