1. Scomber japonicus是一种常见的太平洋马鲛鱼。
Translation: Scomber japonicus is a common Pacific mackerel.
2. 大西洋鲭鱼(Scomber scombrus)在欧洲十分常见。
Translation: Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) is very common in Europe.
3. 马鲛鱼(Scomberomorus commerson)是一种喜欢在夏季迁移的热带鱼类。
Translation: Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) is a tropical fish that likes to migrate in summer.
4. 这道菜用的是新鲜的鲭鱼切片。
Translation: This dish is made with fresh sliced mackerel.
5. 我们今天晚上要烤一些鲭鱼。
Translation: We're going to grill some mackerel tonight.
6. 市场上有多种不同品质和大小的鲭鱼。
Translation: There are various qualities and sizes of mackerel on the market.
7. 在这个季节,鲭鱼肉质最为鲜美。
Translation: In this season, the taste of mackerel is at its best.
8. 他们用鲭鱼做了一道美味的寿司。
Translation: They made a delicious sushi with mackerel.
9. 我非常喜欢吃鲭鱼三明治。
Translation: I really enjoy eating mackerel sandwiches.