1. The cuckoo is a member of the cuculiformes family.(杜鹃是杜鹃目家族的一员。)
2. The hoopoe belongs to the cuculiformes order.(戴胜属于杜鹃目。)
3. Many cuckoos belong to the cuculiformes family.(许多杜鹃属于杜鹃目家族。)
4. The birds in the cuculiformes order are famous for their unique calls.(杜鹃目鸟类以其独特的鸣叫声而闻名。)
5. The cuckoo is a member of the cuculiformes order, and is known for laying its eggs in other birds' nests.(杜鹃属于杜鹃目,以在其他鸟类巢中产卵而著称。)
6. The birds in the cuculiformes order have a distinctive shape and are often brightly colored.(杜鹃目鸟类形态独特,通常色彩鲜艳。)
7. The cuckoo is one of the most well-known birds in the cuculiformes order.(杜鹃是杜鹃目鸟类中最为著名的之一。)
8. The roadrunner is a member of the cuculiformes family and is known for its ability to run quickly on the ground.(路跑者属于杜鹃目,以其在地面上快速奔跑的能力而著称。)
9. The anis are a type of bird in the cuculiformes order that are often found in tropical areas.(安地属于杜鹃目鸟类,通常生活在热带地区。)