1. Myzus persicae是一种常见的桃大蚜,在全球范围内都广泛分布。Myzus persicae is a common peach aphid that is widely distributed worldwide.
2. 在不同的水稻品种中,对Myzus cerasi的抗性存在显著差异。Different rice varieties show significant differences in resistance to Myzus cerasi.
3. 食用菌生产中常常使用Myzus persicae作为生物杀虫剂。Myzus persicae is often used as a biological pesticide in mushroom production.
4. 对Myzus persicae抗性较高的玉米品种被广泛用于农业生产中。Corn varieties with high resistance to Myzus persicae are widely used in agricultural production.
5. 某些Myzus属的蚜虫可以通过垂直传递来传播病毒。Some aphids of the Myzus genus can transmit viruses through vertical transmission.
6. Myzus lychnidis是一种寄生在烛台草上的蚜虫。Myzus lychnidis is a type of aphid that parasitizes on lychnis.
7. Myzus ornatus是一种对茶树具有严重危害的蚜虫。Myzus ornatus is an aphid that causes serious damage to tea trees.
8. 小麦品种之间具有很大的抗Myzus persicae差异。There is a great difference in resistance to Myzus persicae among wheat varieties.
9. Myzus persicae特别喜欢攻击马铃薯和辣椒。Myzus persicae is particularly fond of attacking potatoes and peppers.