'mutex'这个词语源自英语,是'Mutual Exclusion(互斥)'的缩写,意思是用于保证多个并发执行的线程或进程之间的互斥访问共享资源。在程序设计中,使用mutex技术可以防止多个线程同时访问同一共享资源而引发竞态条件。
1. The mutex is locked while the shared data is being accessed.(当共享数据被访问时,mutex会被锁定。)
2. The mutex is unlocked when the shared data has been fully accessed.(当共享数据被完全访问时,mutex会被解锁。)
3. If a thread attempts to lock a mutex that is already locked, it will block until the mutex is available.(如果一个线程试图锁定已经被锁定的mutex,它将被阻塞,直到mutex可用。)
4. A mutex can only be unlocked by the thread that currently has it locked.(一个mutex只能被当前拥有它锁定的线程解锁。)
5. The use of mutexes can help prevent race conditions and ensure thread safety.(使用mutex可以帮助防止竞态条件并确保线程安全。)
6. A mutex can be thought of as a key to a shared resource, with only one key holder at a time.(mutex可以被看作共享资源的钥匙,每次只能有一个钥匙持有者。)
7. In a multithreaded program, mutexes are often used to prevent multiple threads from writing to the same variable at the same time.(在多线程程序中,mutex通常用于防止多个线程同时写入同一个变量。)
8. A deadlock can occur if thread A has locked mutex 1 and is waiting for mutex 2, while thread B has locked mutex 2 and is waiting for mutex 1.(如果线程A已经锁定了mutex1并等待mutex2,而线程B已经锁定了mutex2并等待mutex1,则会发生死锁。)
9. Mutexes are often used in operating system kernels to control access to kernel data structures.(在操作系统内核中,mutex通常用于控制对内核数据结构的访问。)