Hadrosaurus是什么意思 Hadrosaurus的读音、翻译、用法

Hadrosaurus是什么意思 Hadrosaurus的读音、翻译、用法




1. The Hadrosaurus is a herbivorous dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous period.(腕龙是晚白垩世的一种草食恐龙。)

2. The discovery of Hadrosaurus fossils helped scientists understand more about the evolution of dinosaurs.(腕龙化石的发现帮助科学家更好地了解了恐龙的进化。)

3. Hadrosaurus has a unique dental structure that enabled it to grind tough vegetation.(腕龙有着独特的牙齿结构,能够磨碎坚硬的植物。)

4. The Hadrosaurus skeleton on display at the museum is fascinating to study.(博物馆展出的腕龙骨骼很有研究价值。)

5. Hadrosaurus remains have been found in several states across North America.(已在北美洲的多个州发现了腕龙遗骸。)

6. Hadrosaurus is one of the most well-known dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous period.(腕龙是晚白垩世最为著名的恐龙之一。)

7. The Hadrosaurus was discovered by William Parker Foulke in Haddonfield, New Jersey in 1858.(腕龙是由威廉·帕克·福尔克于xx年在新泽西州哈登菲尔德发现的。)

8. The name Hadrosaurus comes from the Greek words hadros (meaning "bulky" or "sturdy") and sauros (meaning "lizard").(腕龙的名称来自希腊语hadros(意为“沉重的”或“坚固的”)和sauros(意为“蜥蜴”)。)

9. Hadrosaurus is thought to have lived in herds, traveling long distances in search of food.(据信腕龙会群居,为寻找食物会进行长途旅行。)

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