'87'不是任何一个国家的语言,它是一种网路用语或俚语,代表“再见”或“拜拜”的意思。这种用法起源于中国南方的粤语,因为"拜拜"(bye bye)在粤语里发音类似于“87”。
1. 我们今天要走了,'87'。(We're leaving today, bye bye.)
2. 晚安,'87'。(Good night, bye bye.)
3. 她已经'87'了,我们该离开了。(She's already said bye bye, we should leave.)
4. 让我们'87'这次电话吧。(Let's say bye bye to this phone call.)
5. 听说他'87'了公司,换了个新工作。(I heard he said bye bye to the company and got a new job.)
6. 他远走他乡,只能通过网络跟家人'87'。(He went far away, and can only say bye bye to his family through the internet.)
7. 不要难过,'87'到昨天,向着新的明天。(Don't be sad, say bye bye to yesterday and move towards a new tomorrow.)
8. 那个人太不礼貌了,我就'87'了他。(That person was so rude, I said bye bye to him.)
9. ,我得'87'了,有事儿要赶去。(, I have to say bye bye now, I have something to do.)