'Linas Kleiza'是立陶宛的词语,翻译为林纳斯·克莱扎。他是立陶宛的职业篮球运动员,曾效力于多支欧美篮球俱乐部,也是立陶宛国家男子篮球队的成员。
以下是9个含有'Linas Kleiza'的例句:
1. Linas Kleiza是立陶宛国家男子篮球队的核心球员之一。(Linas Kleiza is one of the key players of Lithuania men's national basketball team.)
2. 克莱扎在xx年NBA选秀中被掘金队选中。(Kleiza was drafted by the Denver Nuggets in the 2005 NBA Draft.)
3. 林纳斯·克莱扎在立陶宛篮球历史上有着不可磨灭的地位。(Linas Kleiza has an indelible place in the history of Lithuanian basketball.)
4. 克莱扎曾为美国多家NBA球队效力。(Kleiza has played for multiple NBA teams in the United States.)
5. 林纳斯·克莱扎是立陶宛历史上最杰出的篮球运动员之一。(Linas Kleiza is one of the most outstanding basketball players in Lithuanian history.)
6. 克莱扎在场上表现出色,是立陶宛队的得分王。(Kleiza performs outstandingly on the court and is the leading scorer of the Lithuanian team.)
7. 林纳斯·克莱扎在场上总是发挥稳定、得分高效。(Linas Kleiza always plays steadily and scores efficiently on the court.)
8. 克莱扎是立陶宛国家男子篮球队的绝对领袖。(Kleiza is the absolute leader of the Lithuanian men's national basketball team.)
9. 林纳斯·克莱扎是立陶宛篮球的象征之一,备受球迷尊崇。(Linas Kleiza is one of the symbols of Lithuanian basketball and highly respected by fans.)